Duct Cleaning
Are you planning on having your ducts cleaned? Have you had them recently cleaned? You need to know the proper process to avoid being ripped off. When discussing options with a cleaning company make sure they are licensed contractors and ask what standards and methods they use. The entire system must be cleaned using NADCA […]

Military housing & mold
I just saw a video about the deplorable conditions our military and their families are dealing with regarding sub-standard homes that aren’t suitable for occupation. The contractor for the housing “Corvias” was blasted for not taking care of the properties and video clips of standing water, warped siding (inside and out) as well as new, […]

Fun facts: 1) The first time you are exposed to a potential allergen you are not allergic.2) We are noticing more people are having allergies vs. years ago.3) As people get older they tend to have lower allergic responses.4) There are no allergic sensitization exposure thresholds set by the government and individual entities vary.

Home test kits
Where do I start with the fail that is this kit? Sampling is easy yet useless due to too many variables and no real control. The media used is designed to grow most types of fungi however some do not perform well in this type of media or take too long (analysis is performed prior […]

Time to turn on the mold distributor
HVAC systems not properly installed, maintained or balanced can cause a myriad of problems. Two of the most encountered problems I’ve observed were the glass fiber insulation inside blowing apart which can cause respiratory aggravation and itchy skin. The second issue is water based and can often cause fungal growth in the system.

Is your HVAC making you sick
Through the years I’ve inspected quite a bit of air conditioning systems from window mounted to large capacity where several people were able to easily stand in one section and one thing is a constant – contamination. From fiberglass inside (a condition I seriously think is a bad idea) water loss, almost useless filters and […]

Rains are coming
The rains are coming, are you ready? Rain water damage can vary from any point in the structure and the higher that entry point is the more damage it can cause. Once water intrusion has been observed please do not hesitate to take actions for correction. We can perform a pre-inspection to check for issues […]

Not a mycologist!!!
Anyone performing work or performing an inspection who is not a certified mycologist should absolutely refrain from identifying fungi! This prevents incorrect assessments and possible scares based on an incorrect identification. I’ve been performing inspections for 19 years now and have seen water damage with inorganic particulates that mimicked fungal growth in pattern and structure […]

Black mold
The term “black mold” is used (sometimes called “toxic black mold”) by the media to sensationalize the mold scare. Sadly this is misapplied to other fungi which are black in appearance. There are several fungi which appear black in color and range from no known human health effects to hazardous. Additionally, fungi can appear different […]

Is your inspector qualified
It is important to ensure your inspector is qualified. I’ve worked with and against many who couldn’t find obvious visible damage and fungal growth that was literally right in front of them. Additionally some inspectors do not have the experience to interpret lab results and apply them to the conditions present, including sensitivity of the […]